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Pocong Keliling (2010)

 Download Pocong Keliling (2010) DVDRip 480p 300MB Ganool
Release Date: 8 July 2010
Genre: Comedy | Horror
Cast: Catherine Wilson, Indah Kalalo, Donita, Indra Birowo, Erick Scada
Quality: DVDRip
Encoder: Ganool
Subtitle: English (muxed : you can turn em off)

Gending Sriwijaya (2013)

Download Gending Sriwijaya (2013) TVRip 600MB Ganool
Info: Film Indonesia
Release Date: 10 January 2013
Genre: Action | Drama
Cast: Slamet Rahardjo, Agus Kuncoro, Sahrul Gunawan, Hafsary Thanial Dinoto, Mathias Muchus, Julia Perez, Oim Ibrahim, Jajang C Noer

Ada Hantu di Vietnam (2012)

Download Ada Hantu di Vietnam (2012) DVDRip 480p 350MB Ganool

Info: Film Indonesia
Release Date: 29 November 2012
Genre: Horror
Cast: Guntur Triyoga, Cinta Dewi, Uli Auliani, Roger Danuarta, Aziz Gagap, Reymon Knuliqh
Quality: DVDRip
Encoder: Ganool
Subtitle: English (muxed : you can turn em off)


Tanggal Rilis : 25 August 2011 (Indonesia)
Jenis Film : Drama
Diperankan Oleh : Yosie Kristanto, Maudy Ayunda and Giorgino Abraham

Ringkasan Cerita FILM TENDANGAN DARI LANGIT (2011) :
Wahyu (16 tahun) memiliki kemampuan luar biasa dalam bermain sepakbola. Ia tinggal di Desa Langitan di lereng gunung Bromo bersama ayahnya seorang penjual minuman hangat di kawasan wisata gunung api itu, dan ibunya.
Demi membahagiakan orang tuanya, Wahyu memanfaatkan keahliannya dalam bermain bola dengan menjadi pemain sewaan dan bermain bola dari satu tim desa ke tim desa lain dengan bantuan Hasan, pamannya. Sayangnya Pak Darto, ayah Wahyu sangat tidak menyukai apa yang dilakukan anaknya.
Suatu hari saat Wahyu bermain bola dengan rekan-rekannya, keahlian istimewanya tak sengaja dilihat oleh Coach Timo yang tengah hiking bersama Matias di lereng Bromo. Coach Timo kemudian menawari Wahyu untuk datang ke Malang dan menjalani tes bersama Persema Malang.
Sayangnya, berbagai ujian dalam meraih kesempatan emas bermain bersama Irfan Bachdim dan Kim Kurniawan di Persema mendapat banyak halangan. Selain harus memilih antara cintanya kepada Indah dan impiannya untuk bermain bola di jenjang yang lebih tinggi, Wahyu juga harus mampu meyakinkan Pak Darto. Belum lagi ternyata Hasan memiliki kepentingannya sendiri terhadap Wahyu.
Selain berbagai rintangan yang harus ia hadapi, layaknya seorang pemain bola sebelum mencetak gol, Wahyu juga harus menghadapi tantangan terakhir dari dirinya sendiri. Sebuah penyakit yang biasa menyerang anak-anak usia enam belas tahun seperti Wahyu.

Garuda di Dadaku 2 (2011)

Garuda di Dadaku 2 (2011)
Tanggal Rilis :15 December 2011
Jenis Film :Family
Diperankan Oleh :Rio Dewanto, Rendy Khrisna, Maudy Kusnaedi

Ringkasan Cerita Garuda di Dadaku 2 (2011) :
Apabila dalam film ‘Garuda di Dadaku’, Bayu harus menghadapi sang kakek yang menentang keras cita-citanya sebagai pesepakbola maka di sekuel keduanya ini sang tokoh utama yang mulai beranjak remaja dihadapkan pada pergolakan masa muda & proses pencarian jati diri. Bayu (Emir Mahira), yang sekarang sudah menjadi anggota sepakbola timnas U-15, ingin membuktikan dirinya mampu membawa timnya menjuarai kompetisi junior tingkat ASEAN di Jakarta. Dengan dukungan sahabatnya, Heri (Aldo Tansani) berikut teman sekelas yang memikat hatinya, Anya (Monica Sayangbati), dan pelatih timnas dengan teknik unik, Pak Wisnu (Rio Dewanto), Bayu memimpin teman-temannya berjuang dengan amat keras untuk mencapai final. Namun kehadiran seorang pemain baru bernama Yusuf malah mengacaukan konsentrasi Bayu. Apalagi Yusuf menjadi the rising star di tim tersebut, dan makin akrab berteman dengan Heri. Ditambah dengan situasi tim yang makin porak poranda, Bayu jadi pesimis dan memilih kabur. Final kompetisi tinggal selangkah lagi sudah di depan mata. Akankah Bayu dan timnya membawa Indonesia ke puncak kemenangan?



Brandon (Kevin Julio) adalah seorang aktor muda yang sedang  naik daun. Sikap dan perilakunya yang sombong, suatu ketika  melecehkan sosok Nenek Gayung.

Sejak itu, Brandon pun mulai dihantui dengan kehadiran Nenek Gayung. Dalam keadaan yang takut, Brandon datang pada Boim (Yadi Sembako) dan Abas (Joe Richard) yang pernah punya pengalaman menghadapi Nenek Gayung.

Pergilan mereka mencari Mbah Dukun Bolot. Dari Mbah Dukun, diketahuilah cara melepaskan kutukan Nenek Gayung, yaitu dengan mandi di tujuh sumur menggunakan gayung dari Nenek Gayung.

Ternyata, tidak semudah itu. Setelah mereka berhasil mencuri gayung milik Nenek Gayung di kuburannya, kini Nenek Gayung malah terusik marah mengejar mereka semua.


Dika (Raditya Dika) adalah seorang penulis yang baru saja putus cinta dengan Nina (Pamela Bowie), pacarnya setelah sekian lama. Semenjak putus cinta ini, dia percaya bahwa cinta bisa kadaluarsa. Kosasih (Soleh Solihun), agen naskah Dika, mencoba untuk membuat Dika yakin terhadap cinta kembali, seperti Kosasih yakin dengan istrinyanya Wanda (Tyas Mirasih). Usaha ini, membawa Dika ke dalam serangkaian perkenalan absurd

Namun, cinta bisa datang tanpa persiapan. Seperti saat Dika bertemu dengan Jessica (Eriska Rein), seorang perempuan yang jalan pikirannya sama anehnya dengan Dika. Semakin Dika kenal dengan Jessica, semakin dia bertanya: apa benar cinta bisa kadaluarsa?

Di sisi yang lain, Mr. Soe Lim (Ronny P. Tjandra), menawarkan untuk memfilmkan buku Dika, yang berjudul Cinta Brontosaurus. Tertarik, Dika berusaha untuk menulis skrip film tersebut. Masalah mulai timbul ketika di tengah jalan, Mr. Soe Lim mencoba untuk mengubah naskah asli Dika menjadi film horror yang sedang laku

Film ini adalah perjalanan Dika untuk memahami cinta, yang justru dia dapatkan dari pengalamannya bersama Jessica, teman, dan keluarganya sendiri

Temukan jawaban apakah cinta yang masih tersisa dalam hidup kita, masih cinta monyet yang unyu, atau seperti yang Dika alami: Cinta Brontosaurus yang penuh ragu-ragu?


Gilang adalah seorang playboy dan kebiasaannya itu dia bawa dalam kehidupan rumah tangganya, meskipun hal itu dianggap kebiasaan buruk oleh istrinya, Bunga. Semua boleh menyentuh tubuhku tapi hati dan cintaku hanya untuk Bunga, itu yang sering diungkapan Gilang. Mereka telah dikaruniai seorang putri, Mentari. Suatu ketika Bunga menderita kanker Payudara yang pengobatannya sangat panjang. Kemoterapi, radiasi, pengangkatan tumor ganas, semua dijalankan Bunga
demi kesembuhannya.

Saat Bunga menjalani pengobatan, Gilang bertemu seorang wanita, Cindy, hubungan mereka pun menjadi serius tidak
seperti dengan wanita wanita yang lain.

Akhirnya keadaan pun membaik, Bunga sembuh dan Gilang dengan berat hati terpaksa memutuskan hubungannya dengan
Cindy. Namun hanya dalam beberapa waktu saja, tumor ganas tumbuh lagi di bagian lain tubuh Bunga dengan stadium 4.
Gilang dan Bunga hanya manusia biasa yang punya keterbatasan dan tidak mampu menolak takdir.

Lalu apa yang akan dilakukan Bunga dalam menghadapi semua cobaan ini?

Spiderman 3

maskolis template

The Spiderman movies have definitely changed the story from the comic book. Watching the first of the film , I wasn't happy with the depiction of Peter Parker as more self-centred and vain, which is unusually in the context of the comic books. At this moment, Peter Park goes through so much crap that it's a wonder he doesn't commit suicide (it's kind of like Jack Bauer in 24).

Some factual points that were changed, which I'll agree was necessary to make a decent movie, are as follows: The Venom costume is an alien being acquired during the Secret Wars battle with the Beyonder (which was one of the best "cosmic" series Marvel has put out). Spiderman doesn't want to kill villains; even when he is beaten and pulverised, he holds back from taking the ultimate step (in fact, it is rare to show people dying in the comic books). Harry Osborn is more like the depiction of Normie Osborn (the son of Harry and Liz Allan) who is friends with the daughter of Spiderman (Spidergirl). Gwen Stacy is killed by the first Green Goblin (Norman Osborn). The people of New York have rarely been on the side of Spiderman. J. Jonah Jameson has always had a point in saying that it is people like Spiderman who create the villains. And so on.

It's difficult for me to reconcile what I know of Spiderman's history with a movie story that does its best and I admire that. A problem with the movies is that they can't intersect with the other characters from the Marvel Universe. It would be great to have movies like the Secret Wars or the Infinity Gauntlet, War, and Crusade series where a bunch of the Marvel superheroes get together and the stories make more sense (for example, explaining the origin of the Venom symbiote), but I guess that would be a logistic and budgetary nightmare.

Halfway through the movie, the story gets in line with what you'd expect from the book. The rejected symbiote bonds with a humiliated Eddie Brock to become Venom, one of the coolest villains to be introduced in the later years. The Sandman is a villain who is ambiguous. And Spiderman has a run of bad luck and is pummeled constantly but triumphs in the end against all odds.

I once wrote a review of the Batman series where I connected them to a lot of the comic books (I own a huge number of Spiderman comic books) and some other reviewer criticised my review. The perspective I offer is fairly unique: it is based on an experience I can't ignore or negative, and I think it helps place the movie in context of a long history of the books. So if you're interested in the saga of Spiderman beyond what you see in the three movies, I recommend buying some of the great story arcs of Spiderman just to see how complicated and mythological the creations are. 

Pesat oz

The Taking of Pelham 123

Written by Film critic : Matt Willey : Movie Reviews Dvd and Blu-ray Reviews

The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 Is a New thriller starring Denzel Washington and John Travolta directed by Tony Scott shot in the subways of New York City. The story starts as a man who calls himself "Ryder," (John Travolta) leads a band of thugs as they highjack a subway train and MTA dispatcher Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) who is Reluctantly forced to be the Lead negotiator.
movie review The Taking of Pelham 123

This Film is a remake of a 1974 movie of the same name and reworked to meet a new audience. With modern dialog and cell phones, laptop computers and of course the fact that 911 effects the city still, this film was a really fast pace based roughly on the old plot. There are some wild scenes in this movie of New York City as the Mayor, (James Gandolfini) agrees to pay a $10 million ransom and they try to get the money across the city to the subway station. If nothing else is worth the price of admission to see James Gandolfini, Tony Soprano as mayor of New York it’s so cool. Denzel Washington and John Travolta work wel together and their voices are what id cool to have to big name actors in a dialog driven story about two characters that interact over a radio on the subway car. This film was made for a younger audience and I think that those are ones that do go to the movies regularly.

I think my fellow Critics just didn’t get that part of the puzzle, that this film was made with the 17-27ish age group in mind, so it’s fast cuts and rough, realistic dialog. What would a career family man with a Wife and kids and an ex-con straight out of prison talk like, what would the banter be? I think the writers nailed it dead on and the two main actors and Gandolfini included deliver the lines flawlessly. Also, the fact that this film has scenes filmed on the streets of New York to would in my opinion must have been a logistical nightmare and an undertaking that is in itself a commendable feat. This film also has some great editing and that’s often overlooked, editor Chris Lebenzon stitches together a compelling series of images that suck you in, and work well with the Music by Harry Gregson-Williams. This is a good film, not a great film and it overcomes a story that is antiquated, and turns it into a new and improved version that is engaging to watch.

Directed by Tony Scott

Produced by Tony Scott, Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Steve Tisch
Written by Screenplay: Brian Helgeland, David Koepp (uncredited),
Novel: Morton Freedgood
Starring Denzel Washington, John Travolta, James Gandolfini, Luis Guzman, John Turturro, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Frank Wood
Music by Harry Gregson-Williams
Cinematography Tobias A. Schliessler
Editing by Chris Lebenzon
Studio Relativity Media, Scott Free Productions,Escape Artists
Distributed by Columbia Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer


X-Men: First Class Movie is a series of the 5th of the movie X-Men after the X-Men trilogy and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. X-Men: First Class is the prequel of the X-Men trilogy set in the 60s when Charles Xavier and Eric Lehnsherr / Magneto is still young.

Movie Details
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Cast: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Rose Byrne, Jennifer Lawrence, January Jones
Running Time: 131 Minutes

Like the four previous series, the film adaptation of the Marvel comic is also predicted to be as successful as the previous films. Film-film adaptation of the Marvel comic is much demand and has proved more successful even in the year 2011 alone 4 movie Marvel is ready to call it aired Thor (already aired last May and had topped the box office), X-Men: First Class (aired June 3 of this), Captain America: First Avenger (aired in July), and Spider-Man 4 (TBA).

X-Men: First Class Movie Synopsis :

X-Men: First Class Movie tells of the friendship of Charles Xavier (played by James McAvoy) and Eric Lehnserr (played by Michael Fassbender). Their friendship eventually dropped out due to disagreements. Charles then formed the group X-Men while Erick formed Brotherhood of mutants. In addition to Professor X and Magneto, another character known in previous X-Men series is Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy, aka Beast (played by Nicholas Hoult) and Mystique (played by Jennifer Lawrence). Antagonist character in this film are a group of Hellfire Club, chaired by Sebastian Shaw (played by Kevin Bacon) who has the power to absorb the kinetic energy weapon fire and then use it to increase strength and speed.


The second Harry Potter film is better than the first, not because it is true to the book's story, but because it is true to the book's atmosphere.

The first Harry Potter movie was very good, but it stayed so close to the book that it spread itself too thin trying to get at every single detail. This adaptation of Joanne Rowling's second book (which I think is the weakest among the entire series) does indeed have all the good parts but focuses primarily on the main storyline. The film skips a lot of the background details, which makes for effective pacing, while taking liberties with the story to fit the big screen.

Here Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliff) and his friends, Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) once again encounter Voldemort (Christian Coulson) as a memory that has the power to become real. Voldemort opens the Chamber of Secrets freeing a fearsome Basilisk, an Alien-like snake that can kill with a glance. The snake's attacks threaten to close down Hogwarts School and Harry must stop them or be sent home to live with his foster parents (you can understand his motivation when you meet them at the introduction of every book/film).

The film is darker than the first, with scenes that are definitely creepy: Harry's encounter with a strange hand in Diagon Alley, Ron and Harry getting stuck in a willow tree that attacks them with its branches, Harry and Ron escaping from the giant spiders, and Harry's final battle with the Basilisk. There are also some Orwellian themes touched upon here, including Dobby the Elf's masochism and slavery, the ideal of some of the "Purebloods" to cleanse Hogwarts of the "Mudbloods".

The familiar high-profile cast do a fine job, with the newcomers, Kenneth Branagh as the pompous (and hilarious) new Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart, and Jason Isaacs as an evil-oozing Lucius Malfoy, particularly standing out. While the child actors carry their roles well, some of them do tend to overact. The score does a great highlighting the suspense, which there exists a lot of.

The set design and accompanying cinematography and production deserves a paragraph of its own. The integration of computer generated images and the actors is very seamless. The Hogwarts school, the surrounding countryside, and the brief Quidditch match are all rendered with amazing reality.

If the first film was the setup, this one's definitely the payoff. Even though I know what happens next, I can't wait to see it.

Season of the Witch new poster

Season of the Witch is a 2011 American period action film with supernatural elements and directed by Dominic Sena. The film stars Nicolas Cage and Ron Perlman as knights who return from the Crusades to find their homeland ruined by the Black Plague. A girl is accused of being a witch and causing the devastation. The film will be released on January 7, 2011.

Season of The Witch 2011 Synopsis :

Many years have Behmen (Nicolas Cage) and Felson (Ron Perlman) lives in battle. Sharply honed instinct they have their instincts as a fighter while also not be underestimated. Unfortunately, the two soldiers of the Crusades was not aware that they face a task that would have proved far more terrible than a battle they've ever experienced.

How disappointed Behmen and Felson when returned to their hometown and found their shattered homeland ravaged, not by enemy but because of an outbreak that has swept the land. Rarely can survive the deadly plague and the only hope left is Behmen and Felson. Church and Felson Behmen ordered to arrest and bring a young girl named Anna (Claire Foy), who was accused as the cause of the horrible plague to a monastery for this plague to an end.

Anna should follow a cleansing ritual that will end the storm that has engulfed the death of the entire European continent. Behmen and Felson not alone. There was a priest named Debelzaq (Stephen Campbell Moore), a soldier named Eckhardt (Ulrich Thomsen, a con man named Hagamar (Stephen Graham), and a young man named Kay (Robert Sheehan). None of them are aware of how much danger would they face in bringing Anna's journey into the remote monastery. And no one knows who the real Anna.

Season of the Witch

Genre : Thriller
Release Date : January 7, 2011
Director : Dominic Sena
Script : Bragi F. Schut
Producer : Alex Gartner, Charles Roven
Distributor : Relativity Media
Duration : 92 minutes
Budget : -
Official Site :
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Urban Legends Final Cut (2000)

Pirates of the Caribbean 4 On Stranger Tides 2011

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